▼ include | |
▼ tblite | Collection of public API bindings for the tblite library |
calculator.h | Provides a single point calculator for performing extended tight-binding computations |
container.h | Provides an interaction container which can be added to a tblite_calculator |
context.h | Provides a persistent configuration object to modify the behaviour of a calculation. Acts as an error handler |
double_dictionary.h | Provides access to the double dictionary class in tblite, which gathers post processing values |
error.h | Provides a light-weight error handler for communicating with the library |
macros.h | General macro definitions for the tblite C API bindings |
param.h | Provides a representation of a parametrization of an xTB Hamiltonian which can be used to instantiate a tblite_calculator object |
result.h | Provides a storage container tblite_result for all persistent quantities produced in a calculation by tblite_get_singlepoint. The data stored in tblite_result can be used as restart data for subsequent calculations |
solvation.h | Provides solvation specific interaction containers which can be added to a tblite_calculator |
structure.h | The structure data tblite_structure is used to represent the system of interest in the library |
table.h | Provides a representation of a generic table data structure |
version.h | Provides access to the version, compatibility and features exported by this API |
tblite.h | Provides convenience functionality for working with the C API bindings for tblite by including all relevant headers and defining general type generic macros for working with the object handles |
▼ src | |
▼ tblite | |
► api | Provides C API bindings for tblite library |
calculator.f90 | Provides API exports for the tblite_calculator handle |
container.f90 | Provides API exports for the tblite_container handle |
context.f90 | Provides API exports for the tblite_context handle |
error.f90 | Provides API exports for the tblite_error handle |
param.f90 | Provides API exports for the tblite_param handle |
result.f90 | Provides API exports for the tblite_result handle |
structure.f90 | Provides API exports for the tblite_structure handle |
table.f90 | Provides API exports for the tblite_table handle |
utils.f90 | Common utilities for all API exports |
version.f90 | Provides a stable version query with tblite_get_version |
► basis | Contains basis set related implementations |
ortho.f90 | Provides utilities for orthonormalizing basis functions |
slater.f90 | Provides coefficients for contracted Gaussian type orbitals to approximate Slater type orbitals |
type.f90 | Provides data types for managing basis set information |
► blas | Contains wrappers for the basic linear algebra subprograms |
level1.f90 | Provides interfactes to level 1 BLAS routines |
level2.f90 | Provides interfactes to level 2 BLAS routines |
level3.f90 | Provides interfactes to level 3 BLAS routines |
► ceh | |
h0.f90 | Provides the Hamiltonian level functions for CEH |
singlepoint.f90 | Provides main entry point for performing a CEH calculation follows in close analogy the xtb singlepoint |
► classical | Contains classical correction potentials |
halogen.f90 | Provides a classical halogen bonding correction |
► container | Proxy module for general interaction containers |
cache.f90 | Provides a cache for use with interaction containers |
list.f90 | Provides a collection for several interaction containers |
type.f90 | Provides an abstract base class for interaction containers |
► context | Contains the individual components of the context manager |
logger.f90 | Provides an abstract base class for implementing a logger |
solver.f90 | Provides an abstract base class for an electronic solver |
terminal.f90 | Provides a terminal class to safely use ANSI escape sequences |
► coulomb | Contains the Coulomb related interactions |
► charge | Contains the implementation of the isotropic second-order electrostatics |
effective.f90 | Provides an effective Coulomb operator for isotropic electrostatic interactions |
gamma.f90 | Provides the DFTB Coulomb functional for isotropic electrostatic interactions |
type.f90 | Provides a general base class for electrostatic interactions |
cache.f90 | Provides a cache specific for all Coulomb interactions |
charge.f90 | Provides a reexport of the isotropic second-order electrostatic implementations |
ewald.f90 | Provides an utilities for implementing Ewald summations |
multipole.f90 | Provides an implemenation of a multipole based second-order electrostatic |
thirdorder.f90 | Provides an onsite third-order electrostatic interaction |
type.f90 | Provides a base class for all Coulombic interactions |
► data | Contains element data used for defining interactions |
atomicrad.f90 | Provides atomic radii for all elements |
covrad.f90 | Provides covalent radii for all elements |
paulingen.f90 | Provides electronegativities for all elements |
spin.f90 | Provides spin constants for all elements |
► disp | Contains implemenations for the evaluation of London-dispersion interactions |
cache.f90 | Provides a cache for dispersion interactions |
d3.f90 | Provides a proxy for the DFT-D3 dispersion correction |
d4.f90 | Provides a proxy for the DFT-D4 dispersion correction |
type.f90 | Provides a common base class for dispersion interactions |
► external | Contains external potentials |
field.f90 | Provides interaction of charge density with external fields |
► fit | Contains routines for parameter optimization |
newuoa.f90 | Provides the new unconstrained optimization algorithm |
settings.f90 | Provides setting for the optimization driver |
► integral | Contains the integral evaluation implementations |
diat_trafo.f90 | Evaluation of the diatomic scaled overlap |
dipole.f90 | Provides evaluation of dipole moment integrals |
multipole.f90 | Provides evaluation of multipole moment integrals |
overlap.f90 | Provides evaluation of overlap integrals |
trafo.f90 | Provides transformation from cartesian to spherical harmonic basis functions |
type.f90 | Provides an integral storage container |
► io | Contains interfaces to IO formats |
tag.f90 | Provides tagged input and output routines |
► lapack | Contains wrappers for linear algebra |
getrf.f90 | Provides wrappers for LU factorization routines |
getri.f90 | Provides wrappers for computing a matrix inverse |
getrs.f90 | Provides wrappers to solve a linear equation system |
sygvd.f90 | Provides an inverface to symmetric divide-and-conquer solver |
► mesh | Contains mesh generation routines |
lebedev.f90 | Provides angular Lebedev-Laikov grids |
► ncoord | Contains the implementation for the coordination number evaluators |
erf.f90 | Provides a (standard) coordination number implementation for the CEH method |
erf_en.f90 | Provides an implementation for the electronegativity-weighted CN as used in the CEH method |
exp.f90 | Provides a coordination number implementation with exponential counting function |
gfn.f90 | Provides a coordination number implementation with double exponential counting function |
type.f90 | Provides a coordination number evalulator base class |
► output | Contains routines for terminal or string output generation |
ascii.f90 | Provides routines for terminal or text file output |
format.f90 | Provides conversion routines from intrinsic data types to string |
property.f90 | Provides helper routines to print properties together with units |
► param | Definition of the individual components of the parametrization data |
► post_processing | |
molmom.f90 | Provides model for the calculation of molecular multipole moments for the converged singlepoint |
charge.f90 | Provides model for the isotropic second-order electrostatic |
dispersion.f90 | Provides model for the dispersion corrections |
element.f90 | Provides records for the element specific parameters |
halogen.f90 | Provides record for the halogen bonding model |
hamiltonian.f90 | Provides parameter record for the Hamiltonian |
mask.f90 | Provides a general mask for the complete parameters set |
multipole.f90 | Provides a model for the anisotropic second-order electrostatic |
post_processing.f90 | Provides a list-type container to store various post processing param records |
repulsion.f90 | Provides a module for the repulsion interactions |
serde.f90 | Provides a base class for serializable and deserializable data |
thirdorder.f90 | Provides a model for the isotropic third-order electrostatic |
► post_processing | |
list.f90 | Implements post processing conatiner list, collcting post processing methods |
molmom.f90 | Implements the calculation of molecular moments as post processing methods |
type.f90 | Implements post processing container abstract class, and the collection of computing caches |
wbo.f90 | Implements the calculation of Wiberg-Mayer bond orders as post processing method |
► repulsion | Contains the repulsive interaction implementations |
effective.f90 | Provides a screened Coulomb repulsion interaction |
type.f90 | Provides a base class for repulsion interactions |
► scf | Contains the implementation for the self-consistent field iterations |
► mixer | Routines for implementing electronic mixing |
broyden.f90 | Provides an electronic mixer implementation |
type.f90 | Base class for electronic mixing |
info.f90 | Provides a density dependence information |
iterator.f90 | Provides the implementation of the actual self-consistent field iteractions |
mixer.f90 | Proxy module for electronic mixing routines |
potential.f90 | Defines a container for holding density dependent potentials |
solver.f90 | Provides a base class for defining electronic solvers |
► solvation | Contains the implementation of the implicit solvation models |
► data | Provides solvent specific data for parametrized solvation models |
cds.f90 | Provides ALPB/GBSA cds parameters |
shift.f90 | Provides parameters for solvation state shift |
alpb.f90 | Provides the analytical linearized Poission-Boltzmann model |
born.f90 | Provides a Born radii integrator |
cds.f90 | Provides non-polar contributions to the solvation free energy |
cpcm.f90 | Provides a polarizable continuum model |
cpcm_dd.f90 | Provides a domain decomposition solver for the conductor like screening model |
data.f90 | Provides element specific data |
input.f90 | Provides a collection of all input configurations |
shift.f90 | Provides solvent and state specific shifts to the free energy |
surface.f90 | Provides a surface integrator |
type.f90 | Provides a base class for all implicit solvation models |
► wavefunction | Contains wavefunction related information |
fermi.f90 | Provides a Fermi based electronic filling function |
guess.f90 | Provides guesses for the wavefunction |
mulliken.f90 | Provides Mulliken population analysis |
spin.f90 | Provides conversion routines to change the representation of spin-polarized densities |
type.f90 | Provides a wavefunction type for holding density-related information |
► xtb | Routines related to the extend tight-binding Hamiltonian |
calculator.f90 | Provides the calculator type for holding xTB Hamiltonian parametrization |
coulomb.f90 | Provides a collection for all Coulomb related interactions |
gfn1.f90 | Provides the parametrization for the GFN1-xTB Hamiltonian |
gfn2.f90 | Provides the parametrization for the GFN2-xTB Hamiltonian |
h0.f90 | Provides the effective core Hamiltonian for xTB |
ipea1.f90 | Provides the parametrization for the IPEA1-xTB Hamiltonian |
singlepoint.f90 | Provides main entry point for performing single point calculations with a #xtb_calculator instance |
spec.f90 | Provides generator base class for Hamiltonian parameters |
adjlist.f90 | Sparse neighbour map / adjacency list implementation |
basis.f90 | Reexports the basis set related data classes |
blas.f90 | Provides high-level interfaces to the basic linear algebra subprograms |
context.f90 | Provides reexports for the context manager |
coulomb.f90 | Reexports of the Coulombic interaction containers |
cutoff.f90 | Provides realspace cutoff and lattice generation |
data.f90 | Reexports access to element-specific data |
disp.f90 | Reexports of the available dispersion interactions |
lapack.f90 | Reexports of the high-level linear algebra wrappers |
ncoord.f90 | Reexports the coordination number evaluation modules |
param.f90 | Reexport of the parametrization records and definition of the high-level representation if the parametrization data format |
repulsion.f90 | Reexport for the repulsion container implementations |
results.f90 | Provides a container for storing additional calculation results |
scf.f90 | Reexports the self-consistent field iteration related functionality |
solvation.f90 | Provides reexports of the implict solvation model related implementations |
spin.f90 | Provides spin-interactions for spin-polarized tight-binding calculations |
timer.f90 | Provides a timer implementation for internal profiling |
toml.f90 | Provides reexports of the TOML Fortran modules |
version.f90 | Provides version and feature information |
wavefunction.f90 | Provides reexports of wavefunction related procedures and types |
wignerseitz.f90 | Provides a Wigner-Seitz cell |
xtb.f90 | Proxy module for extended tight-binding Hamiltonian related settings |