Light-weight tight-binding framework
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tblite_xtb_h0 Module Reference

Implementation of the effective core Hamiltonian used in the extended tight binding. More...

Data Types

type  tb_hamiltonian


subroutine, public new_hamiltonian (self, mol, bas, spec)
 Constructor for a new Hamiltonian object, consumes a Hamiltonian specification.
subroutine, public get_selfenergy (h0, id, ish_at, nshell, cn, qat, selfenergy, dsedcn, dsedq)
subroutine, public get_hamiltonian (mol, trans, list, bas, h0, selfenergy, overlap, dpint, qpint, hamiltonian)
subroutine, public get_hamiltonian_gradient (mol, trans, list, bas, h0, selfenergy, dsedcn, pot, pmat, xmat, dedcn, gradient, sigma)
subroutine, public get_occupation (mol, bas, h0, nocc, n0at, n0sh)

Detailed Description

Implementation of the effective core Hamiltonian used in the extended tight binding.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ get_hamiltonian()

subroutine, public tblite_xtb_h0::get_hamiltonian ( type(structure_type), intent(in) mol,
real(wp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) trans,
type(adjacency_list), intent(in) list,
type(basis_type), intent(in) bas,
type(tb_hamiltonian), intent(in) h0,
real(wp), dimension(:), intent(in) selfenergy,
real(wp), dimension(:, :), intent(out) overlap,
real(wp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(out) dpint,
real(wp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(out) qpint,
real(wp), dimension(:, :), intent(out) hamiltonian )
[in]molMolecular structure data
[in]transLattice points within a given realspace cutoff
[in]listNeighbour list
[in]basBasis set information
[in]h0Hamiltonian interaction data
[in]selfenergyDiagonal elememts of the Hamiltonian
[out]overlapOverlap integral matrix
[out]dpintDipole moment integral matrix
[out]qpintQuadrupole moment integral matrix
[out]hamiltonianEffective Hamiltonian

◆ get_hamiltonian_gradient()

subroutine, public tblite_xtb_h0::get_hamiltonian_gradient ( type(structure_type), intent(in) mol,
real(wp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) trans,
type(adjacency_list), intent(in) list,
type(basis_type), intent(in) bas,
type(tb_hamiltonian), intent(in) h0,
real(wp), dimension(:), intent(in) selfenergy,
real(wp), dimension(:), intent(in) dsedcn,
type(potential_type), intent(in) pot,
real(wp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) pmat,
real(wp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) xmat,
real(wp), dimension(:), intent(inout) dedcn,
real(wp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) gradient,
real(wp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) sigma )
[in]molMolecular structure data
[in]transLattice points within a given realspace cutoff
[in]listNeighbour list
[in]basBasis set information
[in]h0Hamiltonian interaction data
[in]selfenergyDiagonal elememts of the Hamiltonian
[in]dsedcnDerivative of the diagonal elements of the Hamiltonian w.r.t. the coordination number
[in]potDensity dependent potential shifts on the Hamiltonian
[in]pmatDensity matrix
[in]xmatEnergy weighted density matrix
[in,out]dedcnDerivative of the electronic energy w.r.t. the coordination number
[in,out]gradientDerivative of the electronic energy w.r.t. coordinate displacements
[in,out]sigmaDerivative of the electronic energy w.r.t. strain deformations

◆ get_occupation()

subroutine, public tblite_xtb_h0::get_occupation ( type(structure_type), intent(in) mol,
type(basis_type), intent(in) bas,
type(tb_hamiltonian), intent(in) h0,
real(wp), intent(out) nocc,
real(wp), dimension(:), intent(out) n0at,
real(wp), dimension(:), intent(out) n0sh )
[in]molMolecular structure data
[in]basBasis set information
[in]h0Hamiltonian interaction data
[out]noccOccupation number
[out]n0atReference occupation for each atom
[out]n0shReference occupation for each shell