Light-weight tight-binding framework
No Matches
Modules List
Here is a list of all documented modules with brief descriptions:
 Mtblite_adjlistImplementation of a sparse neighbour map in compressed sparse row format
 Mtblite_api_calculatorAPI export for managing tight-binding parameters and calculators
 Mtblite_api_containerAPI export for managing interaction containers
 Mtblite_api_contextAPI export for environment context setup
 Mtblite_api_errorAPI export for error handling
 Mtblite_api_paramAPI export for managing parametrization records
 Mtblite_api_resultAPI export for managing calculation results
 Mtblite_api_solvationAPI export for managing interaction containers
 Mtblite_api_structureAPI export for working with molecular structure data objects
 Mtblite_api_tableAPI export for managing data tables
 Mtblite_api_utilsProvides utilities used for all API export modules
 Mtblite_api_versionAPI export for the version information of the library
 Mtblite_basisProxy module for the basis set related procedures and types
 Mtblite_basis_orthoGram-Schmidt orthonormalization routines for contracted Gaussian basis functions
 Mtblite_basis_slaterImplements expansion of Slater functions to contracted Gaussian functions
 Mtblite_basis_typeGaussian type basis set data
 Mtblite_blasProxy module to reexport high-level basic linear algebra subprogram wrappers
 Mtblite_blas_level1High-level interface to level 1 basic linear algebra subprogram operations
 Mtblite_blas_level2High-level interface to level 2 basic linear algebra subprogram operations
 Mtblite_blas_level3High-level interface to level 3 basic linear algebra subprogram operations
 Mtblite_ceh_singlepointImplementation of the single point calculation for the CEH model
 Mtblite_classical_halogenClassical correction term for halogen bonding contributions
 Mtblite_container_cacheDefinition of restart data cache
 Mtblite_container_listDefinition of list of general interaction contaienrs
 Mtblite_container_typeDefinition of abstract base class for general interactions
 Mtblite_contextProxy module for the calculation context related data types
 Mtblite_context_loggerLogger to display strings
 Mtblite_context_solverAbstract base class for an electronic solver
 Mtblite_context_terminalSupport for ANSI escape sequences to get colorful terminal output
 Mtblite_coulombProxy module for handling Coulomb-type interactions
 Mtblite_coulomb_cacheData container for mutable data in electrostatic calculations
 Mtblite_coulomb_chargeProxy module for defining isotropic electrostatic interactions
 Mtblite_coulomb_charge_effectiveIsotropic second-order electrostatics using an effective Coulomb operator
 Mtblite_coulomb_charge_gammaIsotropic second-order electrostatics using the DFTB Coulomb functional
 Mtblite_coulomb_charge_typeGeneral isotropic second-order electrostatics model
 Mtblite_coulomb_ewaldHelper tools for dealing with Ewald summation related calculations
 Mtblite_coulomb_multipoleAnisotropic second-order electrostatics using a damped multipole expansion
 Mtblite_coulomb_thirdorderIsotropic third-order onsite correction
 Mtblite_coulomb_typeDefinition of the abstract base class for electrostatic and coulombic interactions
 Mtblite_cutoffRealspace cutoff and lattice point generator utilities
 Mtblite_dataProxy module for providing access to element data
 Mtblite_data_atomicradAtomic radii of the elements
 Mtblite_data_covradCovalent radii (taken from Pyykko and Atsumi, Chem. Eur. J. 15, 2009, 188-197), values for metals decreased by 10 %
 Mtblite_data_paulingenPauling electronegativities
 Mtblite_data_spinSpin constants
 Mtblite_dispProxy module for dispersion interactions
 Mtblite_disp_cacheReusable data container for dispersion related calculations
 Mtblite_disp_d3Semiclassical DFT-D3 dispersion correction
 Mtblite_disp_d4Generally applicable charge-dependent London-dispersion correction, DFT-D4
 Mtblite_disp_typeDefinition of abstract base class for dispersion interactions
 Mtblite_external_fieldInteraction of Hamiltonian with external fields
 Mtblite_fit_newuoaNEWUOA: NEW **U**nconstrained **O**ptimization **A**lgorithm
 Mtblite_fit_settingsDeclaration of options for the optimization driver
 Mtblite_integral_dipoleImplementation of dipole moment integrals
 Mtblite_integral_multipoleImplementation of multipole moment integrals, dipole and quadrupole
 Mtblite_integral_overlapImplementation of overlap integrals
 Mtblite_integral_trafoImplemenation of transformations from cartesian to spherical harmonic basis functions
 Mtblite_integral_typeDeclaration of an integral storage container to collect all overlap related integrals
 Mtblite_io_tagImplementation of tagged input and output files
 Mtblite_lapackProxy module to reexport high-level linear algebra package wrappers
 Mtblite_lapack_getrfWrapper rountines for LU factorization
 Mtblite_lapack_getriWrappers to obtain the inverse of a matrix
 Mtblite_lapack_getrsWrappers to solve a system of linear equations
 Mtblite_lapack_potrfComputes the Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric positive definite matrix A
 Mtblite_lapack_solverLAPACK based eigenvalue solvers
 Mtblite_lapack_sygstReduces a real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form
 Mtblite_lapack_sygvdWrapper to symmetric divide-and-conquer solver for general eigenvalue problems
 Mtblite_mesh_lebedevGenerator for Lebedev-Laikov grids. Adapted from John Burkardt's portation of Dmitri Laikov's C implementation of
 Mtblite_ncoordProxy module to expose coordination number containers
 Mtblite_ncoord_erfCoordination number implementation with single error function for the CEH and GP3-xTB methods
 Mtblite_ncoord_erf_enCoordination number implementation with single error function and EN-weighting for the CEH method
 Mtblite_ncoord_expCoordination number implementation using an exponential counting function, same as in dftd3
 Mtblite_ncoord_gfnCoordination number implementation using a double exponential counting function
 Mtblite_ncoord_typeDeclaration of base class for coordination number evalulations
 Mtblite_output_asciiImplementation of terminal or text file output
 Mtblite_output_formatFunctional procedures for creating strings from intrinsic data types
 Mtblite_output_propertySimple derived type with formatted IO procedure to provide simple debug printing
 Mtblite_paramDefininition of the parametrization data format
 Mtblite_param_chargeDefinition of the isotropic second-order electrostatic model
 Mtblite_param_dispersionDefinition of the dispersion corrections
 Mtblite_param_elementDefinition of the element specific parameter records
 Mtblite_param_halogenDefines model for the halogen bonding model
 Mtblite_param_hamiltonianDefines model for the Hamiltonian parameters
 Mtblite_param_maskCollection of the parameter masking
 Mtblite_param_multipoleDefinition of the anisotropic second-order electrostatic contributions
 Mtblite_param_post_processingDefinition of the dispersion corrections
 Mtblite_param_repulsionDefinition of the repulsion interactions
 Mtblite_param_serdeDefinition of a parameter record with serde properties. Each record knows how to serialize and deserialize itself
 Mtblite_param_thirdorderDefinition of the isotropic third-order electrostatic contributions
 Mtblite_repulsionProxy module for repulsion interactions
 Mtblite_repulsion_effectiveClassical repulsion interaction as used with the xTB Hamiltonian
 Mtblite_repulsion_typeDefinition of the abstract base class for classical interactions
 Mtblite_resultsContainer for holding results produced by a calculation
 Mtblite_scfProxy module for rexports from SCF related modules
 Mtblite_scf_infoDefinition of information container on density dependence
 Mtblite_scf_iteratorIterator for evaluating the Hamiltonian self-consistently
 Mtblite_scf_mixerProvides an electronic mixer implementation
 Mtblite_scf_mixer_broydenImplementation of a modified Broyden mixing
 Mtblite_scf_mixer_typeProvides base class for electronic mixing routines
 Mtblite_scf_potentialImplementation of the density dependent potential and its contribution to the effective Hamiltonian
 Mtblite_scf_solverDeclaration of the abstract base class for electronic solvers
 Mtblite_solvationProxy module for implicit solvation models
 Mtblite_solvation_alpbAnalytical linearized Poisson-Boltzmann implicit solvation model
 Mtblite_solvation_bornIntegrator for Born radii based on the Onufriev-Bashford-Case model
 Mtblite_solvation_cdsCavity, dispersion and surface contribution to the solvation free energy
 Mtblite_solvation_cm5Implements CM5 charges and derivatives. See: J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2012, 8, 2, 527–541 https://doi.org/10.1021/ct200866d
 Mtblite_solvation_cpcmImplicit solvation model based on a polarizable dielectric continuum
 Mtblite_solvation_cpcm_ddA modular implementation of COSMO using a domain decomposition linear scaling strategy
 Mtblite_solvation_dataElement specific data for solvation models
 Mtblite_solvation_data_alpbALPB/GBSA parameters
 Mtblite_solvation_data_cdsCDS parameters
 Mtblite_solvation_data_shiftALPB/GBSA shift parameters
 Mtblite_solvation_inputCollection of the configuration types for all available implicit solvation models
 Mtblite_solvation_surfaceSurface integrator for solvent accessible surface area
 Mtblite_solvation_typeDefinition of an abstract base class for defining solvation models
 Mtblite_spinImplementation of spin-interactions for spin-polarized tight-binding
 Mtblite_timerImplementation of a timer class to obtain runtimes for code ranges
 Mtblite_tomlProxy module for TOML library implementation
 Mtblite_versionInterfaces to query the version information of the library
 Mtblite_wavefunctionProxy module for wavefunction related types and procedures
 Mtblite_wavefunction_fermiImplementation of a Fermi distribution for filling the electronic levels
 Mtblite_wavefunction_guessImplementation of the guess wavefunctions
 Mtblite_wavefunction_mullikenWavefunction analysis via Mulliken populations
 Mtblite_wavefunction_spinHandling of spin information in the wavefunction
 Mtblite_wavefunction_typeDeclaration of a tight-binding wavefunction
 Mtblite_wignerseitzImplementation of finding the relevant nearest neighbours in a Wigner-Seitz cell
 Mtblite_xtbThis module contains reexports for the tblite_xtb_calculator::xtb_calculator class and the possible parametrizations via tblite_xtb_gfn1, tblite_xtb_gfn2, and tblite_xtb_ipea1. The main entry point for performing calculations is provided with tblite_xtb_singlepoint::xtb_singlepoint
 Mtblite_xtb_calculatorImplementation of calculator type for the extended-tight binding Hamiltonian. The tblite_xtb_calculator::xtb_calculator collects the basic interactions required to perform a tight-binding calculation
 Mtblite_xtb_coulombCollects all Coulomb related interaction in as single interaction container
 Mtblite_xtb_gfn1Implementation of the GFN1-xTB Hamiltonian to parametrize an xTB calculator
 Mtblite_xtb_gfn2Implementation of the GFN2-xTB Hamiltonian to parametrize an xTB calculator
 Mtblite_xtb_h0Implementation of the effective core Hamiltonian used in the extended tight binding
 Mtblite_xtb_ipea1Implementation of the IPEA1-xTB Hamiltonian to parametrize an xTB calculator
 Mtblite_xtb_singlepointImplementation of the single point calculation for a self-consistent extended tight-binding Hamiltonian
 Mtblite_xtb_specDefinition of an abstract base class of the generator for the Hamiltonian