Light-weight tight-binding framework
No Matches
tblite_xtb_calculator::param_h0spec Interface Reference

Specification of the Hamiltonian. More...

Inheritance diagram for tblite_xtb_calculator::param_h0spec:

Public Member Functions

procedure get_selfenergy (self, mol, bas, selfenergy)
 Generator for the self energy / atomic levels of the Hamiltonian.
procedure get_cnshift (self, mol, bas, kcn)
 Generator for the coordination number dependent shift of the self energy.
procedure get_hscale (self, mol, bas, hscale)
 Generator for the enhancement factor to for scaling Hamiltonian elements.
procedure get_shpoly (self, mol, bas, shpoly)
 Generator for the polynomial parameters for the distant dependent scaling.
procedure get_reference_occ (self, mol, bas, refocc)
 Generator for the reference occupation numbers of the atoms.
type(param_h0spec) function new_param_h0spec (mol, param, irc)
- Public Member Functions inherited from tblite_xtb_spec::tb_h0spec
procedure(get_selfenergy), deferred get_selfenergy (self, mol, bas, selfenergy)
 Generator for the self energy / atomic levels of the Hamiltonian.
procedure get_cnshift (self, mol, bas, kcn)
 Generator for the coordination number dependent shift of the self energy.
procedure get_cnenshift (self, mol, bas, kcn_en)
 Generator for the electronegativity scaled coordination number dependent shift of the self energy.
procedure get_q1shift (self, mol, bas, kq1)
 Generator for the linear partial charge dependent shift of the self energy.
procedure get_q2shift (self, mol, bas, kq2)
 Generator for the quadratic partial charge dependent shift of the self energy.
procedure(get_hscale), deferred get_hscale (self, mol, bas, hscale)
 Generator for the enhancement factor to for scaling Hamiltonian elements.
procedure get_rad (self, mol, bas, rad)
 Generator for the atomic radii used in the distant dependent scaling.
procedure(get_shpoly), deferred get_shpoly (self, mol, bas, shpoly)
 Generator for the polynomial parameters for the distant dependent scaling.
procedure(get_reference_occ), deferred get_reference_occ (self, mol, bas, refocc)
 Generator for the reference occupation numbers of the atoms.
procedure get_diat_scale (self, mol, bas, ksig, kpi, kdel)
 Generator for the diatomic frame scaling factors.

Data Fields

type(param_record), pointer param => null()
integer, dimension(:), pointer irc => null()
logical, dimension(:, :), allocatable valence

Detailed Description

Specification of the Hamiltonian.

Constructor for Hamiltonian specification.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ get_cnshift()

procedure tblite_xtb_calculator::param_h0spec::get_cnshift ( class(param_h0spec), intent(in) self,
type(structure_type), intent(in) mol,
type(basis_type), intent(in) bas,
real(wp), dimension(:, :), intent(out) kcn )

Generator for the coordination number dependent shift of the self energy.

[in]selfInstance of the Hamiltonian specification
[in]molMolecular structure data
[in]basBasis set information
[out]kcnCoordination number dependent shift

◆ get_hscale()

procedure tblite_xtb_calculator::param_h0spec::get_hscale ( class(param_h0spec), intent(in) self,
type(structure_type), intent(in) mol,
type(basis_type), intent(in) bas,
real(wp), dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(out) hscale )

Generator for the enhancement factor to for scaling Hamiltonian elements.

[in]selfInstance of the Hamiltonian specification
[in]molMolecular structure data
[in]basBasis set information
[out]hscaleScaling parameters for the Hamiltonian elements

◆ get_reference_occ()

procedure tblite_xtb_calculator::param_h0spec::get_reference_occ ( class(param_h0spec), intent(in) self,
type(structure_type), intent(in) mol,
type(basis_type), intent(in) bas,
real(wp), dimension(:, :), intent(out) refocc )

Generator for the reference occupation numbers of the atoms.

[in]selfInstance of the Hamiltonian specification
[in]molMolecular structure data
[in]basBasis set information
[out]refoccReference occupation numbers

◆ get_selfenergy()

procedure tblite_xtb_calculator::param_h0spec::get_selfenergy ( class(param_h0spec), intent(in) self,
type(structure_type), intent(in) mol,
type(basis_type), intent(in) bas,
real(wp), dimension(:, :), intent(out) selfenergy )

Generator for the self energy / atomic levels of the Hamiltonian.

[in]selfInstance of the Hamiltonian specification
[in]molMolecular structure data
[in]basBasis set information
[out]selfenergySelf energy / atomic levels

◆ get_shpoly()

procedure tblite_xtb_calculator::param_h0spec::get_shpoly ( class(param_h0spec), intent(in) self,
type(structure_type), intent(in) mol,
type(basis_type), intent(in) bas,
real(wp), dimension(:, :), intent(out) shpoly )

Generator for the polynomial parameters for the distant dependent scaling.

[in]selfInstance of the Hamiltonian specification
[in]molMolecular structure data
[in]basBasis set information
[out]shpolyPolynomial parameters for distant dependent scaleing

◆ new_param_h0spec()

type(param_h0spec) function tblite_xtb_calculator::param_h0spec::new_param_h0spec ( type(structure_type), intent(in) mol,
type(param_record), intent(in), target param,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in), target irc )
[in]molMolecular structure data
[in]paramParametrization records
[in]ircRecord identifiers
Instance of the Hamiltonian specification

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